Ripple vs Ethereum vs Bitcoin

October 20, 2021


A lot of people often confuse Ripple, Ethereum, and Bitcoin with the same thing. But they are all cryptocurrencies that have different features, functionality, and use cases. In this blog post, we'll compare Ripple, Ethereum, and Bitcoin to help you understand their similarities, differences, advantages, and disadvantages.


Ripple (XRP) is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency that is designed to help financial institutions make cross-border payments quickly and easily. This is achieved by using a distributed ledger network that enables secure and instant transfers of funds. Ripple has a relatively low transaction cost, and it is faster and more scalable than Bitcoin.


Ethereum (ETH) is an open-source blockchain-based cryptocurrency that was designed to enable smart contract functionality. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. Ethereum's decentralization and smart contract functionality make it a suitable platform for dApps (decentralized applications).


Bitcoin (BTC) is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency. It is decentralized and enables peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a middleman. Bitcoin's success has attracted a lot of attention, and it has become one of the most traded cryptocurrencies today.

Ripple vs Ethereum vs Bitcoin

Transaction Speed

When it comes to speed, Ripple is the clear winner. Ripple can handle up to 1,500 transactions per second, while Ethereum can only handle about 15 transactions per second. Bitcoin, on the other hand, can handle about 7 transactions per second.


In terms of scalability, Ripple is again the winner. Ripple's distributed ledger technology enables scalable, secure, and instantaneous transfers of funds. Ethereum and Bitcoin, on the other hand, are not scalable due to their limited transaction processing capabilities.

Transaction Cost

Ripple's transaction cost is very low, at about $0.0001 per transaction. Ethereum's transaction cost is higher, averaging around $2.00 per transaction. Bitcoin's transaction cost can be quite high due to network congestion, with transaction fees sometimes exceeding $50 per transaction.

Smart Contract Functionality

Ethereum is the clear winner in this category as it was designed to enable smart contract functionality. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that can be executed automatically without the need for an intermediary.


Bitcoin and Ethereum are both decentralized systems, which means that they do not have a central point of control or authority. However, Ripple is not completely decentralized, as Ripple Labs currently controls the majority of XRP.


In conclusion, Ripple, Ethereum, and Bitcoin are all unique and have their respective advantages and disadvantages. Ripple is fast, scalable, and cheap, making it suitable for cross-border payments. Ethereum's smart contract functionality makes it an excellent platform for dApps. Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency, and it has the advantage of being decentralized. Ultimately, the choice of which cryptocurrency to use depends on your personal preferences and use case.


  1. Ripple. (n.d.). How Ripple Works. Ripple.
  2. Ethereum. (n.d.). What is Ethereum? Ethereum.
  3. Bitcoin. (n.d.). Getting started with Bitcoin. Bitcoin.

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